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Sunday 24 June 2012

Big Brother Africa Season 7 Developments

This season of Big Brother Africa has been a let down.
This year the characters have not been as entertaining. Rather, their focus has been on ruining each other's game, instead of endearing themselves to the audience that votes for them.

Another disqualification has happened; two contestants from Zimbabwe were disqualified after an altercation that had been brewing for the entire game. 
The sad thing is that the differences between these two contestants were amplified and encouraged by the other contestants. 

What is most striking is that the 'celebrity' participants are not focused on showing Africa exactly what makes them celebrities and worthy of winning the final prize of $300, 000. The celebs have been playing a hard game of manipulating and bullying other contestants. The guiltiest culprits are Kenya's Prezzo and South Africa's Barbs. 
As South Africans, we hope that Barbs is evicted today (she is up for eviction this week) because she is not representing South Africans well. She has spent most of her time in the game talking about material things, name-dropping, and behaving in a generally unattractive way. 

Unfortunately, our pick for the winner was disqualified (see previous post). 
So we hope that this year's winner will be Lady May from Namibia, or Keagen from South Africa. Both are genuinely decent people who have been playing clean games and thoroughly entertaining us. 

Lady May


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