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Sunday 6 May 2012

Bosso ke Mang! = Who is the Boss?! MTN South African Music Awards

Some of the winners at this year's MTN South African Music Awards!

This year the show was on another level! The production quality could compete with international music awards shows, the presenters were not boring, the performances were hot, and it was just a good time. 
It is hard deciding who performed the best, but if there was an award category for that it would have to go to Mi Casa!!
And HHP's 'Mauritius'. That random feature had the whole of South Africa thinking, 'WTF?!' but in a good way :)

Already cannot wait for next year's show! 

AKA won for Bes Urban Street ie Hip Hop

ZAHARA won 8 awards for her debut album

DJ CLEO won a couple, the most notable being the most downloaded song

MI CASA also took home several awards for their debut album

SHADOWCLUB won best rock

To watch music videos of some of the artists that won visit
including the video for 'Bosso' by HHP

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